Old History Becomes New History Now
One hundred years ago historians might make amazing discoveries by reading old papers, memoirs, or newspapers. Today, the benefit of social media can cause immediate news coverage, for good or bad. During the Mexican-American War President James Polk Bamboozled Congress into secretly giving him one million dollars to offer as a bribe to Santa Anna, who was in exile in Cuba. The general took the money and returned to Vera Cruz aboard an American warship, ostensibly to end the war on Polk's expansionist terms. But the joke was on Polk. Santa Anna kept the war going and almost won.
Polk wanted to annex All of Mexico. That part of his evil plan was well known. But Mexico was predominantly Roman Catholic, a "no-no" for most Americans. Also, Mexico opposed slavery, a huge "no-no" for Southern states. The press found out about most of the machinations but it was recorded in detail until decades later when historians like Harvard's Frederick Merck wrote a book about it.
Today, however, technology is so advanced that top government leaders can discuss bombing Yemen at length and in detail without noticing that there is a person privy to the discussion that is a journalist. The app they used wasn't approved or secure. After years of watching fictional TV shows like NCIS, viewers know what secret communication rooms and SCIF's are all about. Yet here are a group of so-called professionals not only giving away the plans but, as in the case of J.D.Vance denigrating our European allies, something he does with regularity.
And the President, with a straight face, says he knows nothing! Absolute BS, All of these men have lost the confidence of the nation and the congress and should resign or be fired. Drain the swamp!